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He feels a little lower....maybe just wishful thinking! |
How far along? 36 Weeks
weight gain/loss: 22.6 lbs.
clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? No. Keeping my fingers crossed! Still love using my Mama Belly Oil.
Sleeping great!I go to sleep about 8:30pm every night and wake up around midnight and 5:00am to go to the bathroom. I always fall back asleep quickly at midnight but if Leland is moving about, which he sometimes is, around 5:00am I often stay awake until my alarm goes off.
Other symptoms: Varicose veins are still present but not too bad. Finger tips are still numb most of the time which is such a weird feeling. I am still starving but I can't eat a lot so I guess that is a good balance! Pregnancy brain is in full effect. I have set the fire alarm off at school because I forgot about my waffles in the oven and the fire trucks came and the entire school and church had to evacuate! Everyone was very nice because I am pregnant! I have often wandered into the kitchen to get the waters for our student's snack and come back with a chocolate brownie and NO waters. Oops.
Other symptoms: Varicose veins are still present but not too bad. Finger tips are still numb most of the time which is such a weird feeling. I am still starving but I can't eat a lot so I guess that is a good balance! Pregnancy brain is in full effect. I have set the fire alarm off at school because I forgot about my waffles in the oven and the fire trucks came and the entire school and church had to evacuate! Everyone was very nice because I am pregnant! I have often wandered into the kitchen to get the waters for our student's snack and come back with a chocolate brownie and NO waters. Oops.
moment this week: I went on my last car trip before Leland is born yesterday with bestie Sarah. We went to Birmingham, AL for bestie Suzy's son's 1st birthday! It was so much fun to see everyone and hang out!
Movement: Yes! Even though he is getting way bigger in there he is moving a lot. He has little scissor toes and likes to shake his bottom...just like his father!
cravings: Sweets. Rootbeer floats and Lucky Charms cereal. I need to clarify the word cravings here. I am not having the uncontrollable urge to have a Rootbeer Float and a bowl of Lucky Charms. I just want these things and because I am pregnant, I eat them. I want a lot of these things when I am not pregnant but do not indulge (all of the time!)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
you started to show yet: Oh yeah!!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming more frequent and intense but not painful.
Belly Button in or out? Still IN but totally FLAT!
Wedding rings on or off? On. A couple of days last week my hands were pretty swollen and I couldn't wear my engagement ring but I can still wear my wedding band. Right now they are both on!
Happy or Moody: Happy!
Looking forward to: I can't wait to see the edited maternity pictures my big sister took! I am also looking forward to having this baby...not in the sense that I am over being pregnant, I just want to meet him and see what he looks and acts like. I would like the "nesting stage" to kick in so that I can do a deep cleaning of the house and a little more organizing before he arrives as well. We will see! This Friday at school all of the moms are throwing me a shower in the Purple Room! I can't wait! The kids are so excited and tell me a lot that they have picked out special gifts for Leland! How cute!
In my opinion I think that he has dropped a little bit! We will compare again next week when i will be FULL TERM! Wow!
love those tits mum love to play with them while I come in your ass