Age: 21 Weeks. August 5th, 2013
Weight & Height: I haven't been weighed in a long time because it's been a while since I've been to the doctor. I go next week so we will get the stats then!
Tough Times: I was a cranky turd baby a few afternoons during Princess and Pirate Camp and then didn't take a nap when it was over so Mom was exhausted by the time Dad got home!
Exciting Events: I am loving Princess & Pirate Camp! All of the kids want to play with me and love on me. Mom says that I am building up my immune system! They are so sweet and VERY entertaining. I was a little bit of a turd baby some of the afternoons but for the most part I was a good boy! Dad would drop me off and then I would take about an hour nap and then Mom would strap me in the ERGO and I would walk around with her and watch the kids play!
Things I Love: I still love the ERGO. Some people think that a stroller is best, but right now I love being strapped to my Mommy. If I am cranky or tired or my teeth hurt, Mom puts me in the ERGO and I calm right down! She is a pro at putting it on now and wants to learn how to wear me on her back!
Looking forward to....I can't wait for my Grandma, Aunt Sandy and cousins Coda and Emmaus to come visit me!
22 weeks: Mom and Dad met 5 years ago! |
Age: 22 Weeks. August 12th, 2013
Weight & Height: On Tuesday I had to go to the pediatrician to get my second round of shots! I was not a happy camper. I hadn't really napped all day and was exhausted from playing pirates at Princess & Pirate Camp. Dad met us at our appointment (he has only missed one appointment since Mommy found out that she was pregnant with me = best Dad in the whole world!). I weighed 15 pounds 5 ounces. I was ____ inches long. I am in the 50% for height and weight! Mom is happy and feels good when the doctors ask if I have only had breast milk (Mom is not putting down formula Mom's but she struggled some with nursing me at the beginning and the blood sugar scare an the hospital was difficult so only nursing me is a big achievement!)
Tough Times: Shots. They suck. They suck for me and for Mom and Dad. I did take a three hour nap after my shots and got very rested for my Grandma and Aunt Sandy, Coda, and Emmaus!
Exciting Events: Grandma, Aunt Sandy, Coda, and Emmaus drove all the way from Buffalo to come visit me! They stayed at my house and it was so much fun. I think that my puppy brother, Linus, had the most fun of all! Haha. I was a good boy and slept well at night and didn't wake anyone up. We had so much fun visiting with them. On Wednesday night we went out to eat at The Pharmacy and Aunt Jill gave Mom and Dad a swing to hang on our front porch for me! On Thursday we all hung out at our house and we made tacos and I played pirates with my three cousins! Aunt Jill and Addison had a slumber party with us. We all went to the zoo on Friday and then had Chick-fil-a for dinner. I did NOT take a nap for Mommy when we got home from the zoo. Mom was absolutely exhausted . Sorry Mom! On Saturday we went to the Cumberland Park, Splash Park and I went to my neighbor, Anna's, one year old birthday party! Mom hosted Aunt Jill's baby 'sprinkle' for baby Gray on Sunday morning! She ate so much ice cream! After the sprinkle we all just hung out at the house and took naps and then had pizza together! It was a fun last night together. Grandma and Aunt Sandy, Coda and Emmaus had to leave very early on Monday morning. I was very sad.
Age: 23 Weeks. August 19th, 2013
Weight & Height: Last week I was 15 pounds 5 ounces. I don't think I have gained too much weight since then!
Exciting Events: I had my first day of school on Friday, August 23rd!I tried my first food: Avocado! It was so delicious! I loved touching it and playing with the spoon. I really wanted to hold the bowl but Mom wouldn't let me! Also, on Saturday night, Pop Pop, Mimi, Mom, and Dad and I went to the Falcons vs. Titans game. I loved how loud it was and how bright the tv screens were! I lasted into the 3rd quarter and then we went home. Lots of firsts this week!

Age: 24 Weeks. August 26th, 2013
Weight & Height: 16.8 pounds!
Tough Times: This was a great week. I am still learning about school. I was a little bit hungry the first few days of school so my Mommy sent more milk and I was a lot happier!
Exciting Events: This was my first FULL week of school! I go to school from 9:00-2:45pm Monday - Friday. I love my classroom and my teachers. For this first week there was only one other friend in my class. I got to be held anytime I wanted and even took some of my naps in my teachers arms! I get to play outside on the playground, go for stroller rides, participate in music class, and blow bubbles! I tried my 2nd food this week too: bananas!! They are so sweet and slimy. I would spit some out of my mouth so I could play with it. When I finished the bowl I licked my high chair tray to get every last drop and then yelled and yelled for more.
I went on my first boat ride this weekend with the neighbs! We live on the best street and Mom and Dad love our neighbors so much. 13 of us went on a Pontoon Boat on Percy Priest Lake. Mom and Dad (mostly Dad) were a nervous wreck on Friday night. The weather was supposed to be in the mid 90's on Saturday and they were nervous I would get too hot. The weather ended up being perfect and I even took a nap in my car seat for about 45 minutes. The breeze felt so nice and Mom and Dad would rub a cold wet washcloth on me to keep me cool! When we got home from the 7 hour boat ride I took a lil nap and then watched my first Georgia game! I only lasted about 1 quarter but I spent the rest of the game wrapped in Mommy's UGA Snuggie!
Things I Love: I love eating. I flail my arms around and yell the whole meal! Sitting in my high chair is fun too. Mom puts me in the kitchen with her while she is cooking dinner and I can see everything she is doing!

Age: 25 Weeks. September 2nd, 2013
Weight & Height: Mom weighed me on the scale and I was 17.5 pounds.
Tough Times: I got my second fever on Saturday night. I was very sad and cried and nursed A LOT! I slept in the swing for the next three nights and then by Tuesday I was feeling better.
Exciting Events: I tried my 3rd food: zucchini! I loved it. Mom had made it a few months ago when they were ripe from my neighbor's (Marianne and Bridget) garden. Then next food I tried was pears! They were so sweet, I couldn't get enough. Mom made then a little too watery so I was a MESS when I was finished eating.
Things I Love: I love going to school. My Daddy drops me off each morning and I go right to my teachers. They send a note home each day telling my mom and dad what I did at school. My favorite things are music class, playing outside, and watching my teachers blow bubbles. I am getting on somewhat of a schedule and even napped for about 45 minutes in my crib at school. I usually take an hour to an hour and a half nap in the morning. Then, Mommy picks me up and feeds me and I fall asleep in the car on the way home. I take a long afternoon nap and wake up right before Dad gets home from work!
Looking forward to.... I can't wait for cooler Fall weather. My Mom and Dad will not stop talking about how beautiful Nashville is in the Fall. I am excited about hanging out at parks with them and watching them throw a frisbee!

Age: 26 Weeks / 6 Months. September 9th, 2013
Weight & Height: 17.5 pounds!
Tough Times: Teething, teething, teething. Holy cow am I a drool monster these days. I go through several outfits at school and even choke several times on my drool. I am in good spirits most of the time! Sometimes I scream out in fits of pain because my teeth hurt.
Exciting Events: Food #5: Carrots! YUMMY! I even had a bight of broccoli from Dad's plate one night. I did a pretty good job "chewing" it up. I am a pro at sitting up all by myself now! However, I don't like being in one place so I quickly flail myself backwards and roll to where I want to be!
Things I Love: I love my walker. I like chasing Linus around the living room. He isn't a huge fan of me trapping him between the couch and coffee table. I love sitting in my high chair while Mom and Dad eat dinner. I usually play with a plastic bowl and a sippy cup full of water.
over 2,000 times, 8 shots, 2 fevers, 57 bottles, 7 days at school, 14
trips to the zoo, 1 road trip to buffalo, 2 trips to ATL, tried 5 new
foods, 2 teeth, 1 NFL game, 100 walks with Linus..... Being 6 months old
= priceless!"